Providing you with simple mind-body exercises that bring peace, healing, connection and transformation so you can thrive!

“Peace in oneself, peace in the world.”

-Thich Nhat Hanh

Learn to practice mindfulness with Mindful Minutes!

This course offers a simple and effective way to practice mindfulness that helps you to make it a habit that changes your life.

Weekly lessons
Daily mindful minutes
Flexible time
Community connection
Limitless resources

Ancient wisdom modernized by a Zen Master.

“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.”

-Thich Nhat Hanh

Be True Peace mindfulness practice is based on the teachings of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, a global spiritual leader, poet and peace activist, revered around the world for his pioneering teachings on mindfulness, global ethics and peace.

Science says that mindfulness:

Calms your stress and anxiety
Improves your sleep
Boosts your focus
Helps you control pain
Generates kindness
Enhances self-awareness
Improves your physical and emotional health

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Are you thinking “I can’t fit it in, I haven’t even showered yet!”?

Have you tried guided meditations, yet your mind says, “I can’t sit still, there is too much to do!”?

There is a way, and this practice works. We did the homework for you.

 All you need to do is show up. Here. Now.

I want to know how!

Mindful Minutes

Short awareness exercises for daily activities nurture your mindfulness practice while you live your life, no matter how busy you are.

While you chop carrots for dinner, sweep crumbs from under the table, and fold mismatched socks, you’ll bring joy, meaning and relaxation with this revolutionary approach.

Remember the freedom of swinging at the playground, smiles and giggles, the breeze in your hair, the tickle in your stomach, pumping your legs with pride and joy. No worries, no fear, nothing to do, nowhere to go. Imagine feeling that, or just 10% of that, while you sit in traffic with two hungry kids in the back seat during the witching hour. Step into that freedom here. 

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Practice with friends

Small groups of 5-7 people with an affinity, such as parents or teachers, join together to practice.  Share your joys and struggles with mindfulness.

Practicing solo fosters isolation. A mindfulness community offers you:

Easy and natural growth in mindfulness skills

Change is hard without a supportive community.

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Succeed with mindfulness skills and true connection in your life.

Start making mindfulness a habit today!

Get mindful minute exercises to calm your

body, mind and spirit anytime during the day.